Recipe For Soybean Milk Marble Chiffon Cake

Soybean Milk Marble Chiffon Cake Recipe

Soybean Milk Marble Chiffon Cake

Materials :

- 100 grams of low protein flour
- 35 grams of sugar
- 65 grams of cooking oil
- 60 grams of plain soy milk
- 1/4 teaspoon vanilla essence
- 5 egg yolks, beaten off
- 5 egg whites
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar
- 75 grams of sugar
- 1 tablespoon cocoa powder and 1 tbsp hot water, dissolved, chill

How To Make Soybean Milk Marble Chiffon Cake :

1. Sift the flour mite. Add confectioners' sugar. Stir well.
2. Combine the oil, unsweetened soy milk, and vanilla essence. Stir well. Pour the mixture into the flour mite. Stir slowly.
Enter yolk. Stir well.
3. Beat egg whites, salt and cream of tartar until half fluffy. Add sugar a little bit as she whipped until fluffy.
4. Enter a little bit into the flour mixture, stirring gently.
Take 25 grams of dough. Add cocoa powder solution. Stir well.
5. Pour the chocolate batter in the white dough. Stir once. Pour in pan chiffon with a shake.
6. Oven 60 minutes with a temperature of 170 degrees Celsius.