Recipe For Carrot Bread

Carrots were not only used as a vegetable, but also can be used as an ingredient for bread. Karottenbrot, like white bread, but made ​​with mixed vegetables carrots. It was quite tasty though only smeared with butter.

Recipe For Carrot Bread

Recipe For Carrot Bread

Ingredients :

- 250 grams of carrots, washed, peeled and rough planed
- 25 gr butter
- salt and sugar
- 1 tbsp lemon juice
- 380 grams of flour
- 1 tsp salt
- 200 ml of liquid milk warm
- 3/4 packs of instant yeast (use as directed pack)
- 1 tablespoon sugar

How to make Carrot Bread :

1. Mix the warm milk, yeast and sugar. Set aside.
2. Mix the flour and salt. Pour liquid milk little by little into it, stirring with wire spiral mixer until a smooth batter reply. If you need to knead it again with the hand. Let that warm place for 1-2 hours or until the dough 2 times.
3. Meanwhile, heat a frying pan, put the butter into it. Saute carrots, add in with the salt, sugar and lemon juice. Cook briefly until slightly dry. Chill.
4. If the dough is puffed and carrots also lukewarm / cold water, put the bread dough within. Knead until blended. If the dough is a little soft, can be added a little flour.
5. Prepare a baking pan, Cover with baking paper. Enter-carrot bread dough into it. Let that warm place about 1 hour ² (could be more).
6. If you want to be a sprinkling of nuts or sesame seeds, spread the bread with warm milk and sprinkle with nuts or type that you like. Bake in a 180 ° C oven for 20-25 minutes or until cooked.

          Tips For Carrot Bread :

          You can just add the carrots with chopped celery or replace with other vegetables.