Recipe For Carrot Bread

Carrots were not only used as a vegetable, but also can be used as an ingredient for bread. Karottenbrot, like white bread, but made ​​with mixed vegetables carrots. It was quite tasty though only smeared with butter.

Recipe For Carrot Bread

Recipe For Carrot Bread

Ingredients :

- 250 grams of carrots, washed, peeled and rough planed
- 25 gr butter
- salt and sugar
- 1 tbsp lemon juice
- 380 grams of flour
- 1 tsp salt
- 200 ml of liquid milk warm
- 3/4 packs of instant yeast (use as directed pack)
- 1 tablespoon sugar

How to make Carrot Bread :

1. Mix the warm milk, yeast and sugar. Set aside.
2. Mix the flour and salt. Pour liquid milk little by little into it, stirring with wire spiral mixer until a smooth batter reply. If you need to knead it again with the hand. Let that warm place for 1-2 hours or until the dough 2 times.
3. Meanwhile, heat a frying pan, put the butter into it. Saute carrots, add in with the salt, sugar and lemon juice. Cook briefly until slightly dry. Chill.
4. If the dough is puffed and carrots also lukewarm / cold water, put the bread dough within. Knead until blended. If the dough is a little soft, can be added a little flour.
5. Prepare a baking pan, Cover with baking paper. Enter-carrot bread dough into it. Let that warm place about 1 hour ² (could be more).
6. If you want to be a sprinkling of nuts or sesame seeds, spread the bread with warm milk and sprinkle with nuts or type that you like. Bake in a 180 ° C oven for 20-25 minutes or until cooked.

          Tips For Carrot Bread :

          You can just add the carrots with chopped celery or replace with other vegetables.


          Recipe For Green Banana Cake

          Green Banana Cake Recipe

          Green banana cake is actually a blend of cake and ice in the presentation, so popular is also known as ice or ice green banana green banana. Green banana cake is a typical food of the region of South Sulawesi, especially in the city of Makassar.

          In recent years, green banana ice became very popular and much preferred because a legit banana flavor and a fresh ice to become a new culinary business opportunities that thrives in big cities throughout Indonesia.

          Usually in the month of Ramadan is a green banana cake can be used as an alternative light appetizer dish fasting later. Fasting in addition to fulfilling religious obligations, have brought special meaning for family togetherness. Can gather with family during fasting definitely bring a lasting impression, especially accompanied by a fresh green banana ice is the work itself.

          Recipe For Green Banana Cake

          Banana Green Material :

          - 175 gr rice flour, sifted
          - 50 gr sago flour
          - 1/2 tsp salt
          - 100 ml of suji leaf water
          - 6 pieces ripe plantain
          - 300 ml of water
          - 1/2 drops of green dye

          Mush / Sauce Material :

          - 800 ml coconut milk from 1 coconut grated
          - 50 gr rice flour
          - 75 grams sugar
          - 1 sheet of pandan leaves, conclude 1/4 tsp salt

          Supplemental Material :

          - Shaved ice to taste
          - Cocopandan syrup 100 ml, ready to use (can use other flavors of syrup, depending on your taste)
          - 100 ml of sweetened condensed milk

          How to Make Green Banana Cake :

          1. Combine rice flour, salt, water, water suji leaves, and green coloring and stir. Cook over low heat until boiling while stirring, stirring so that the dough does not grained. Lift.
          2. Enter sago flour little by little and stir until smooth. Divide the dough into 6 parts. Round and trimmed up to 1/2 cm.
          3. Balut each banana with rice flour dough until all parts closed flat.
          4. Boil bananas in boiling water until the float and the dough is cooked. Lift. Drain. Set aside.
          5. To Porridge: Combine milk, flour, sugar, pandan leaves and salt and stir well. Cook over medium heat while stirring, stirring until thick. Lift.
          6. For Serving: Cut green bananas. Put it on a serving plate. Pour the slurry. Add shaved ice, syrup, and sweetened condensed milk.
          7. Green banana ice ready to be served and enjoyed.

          Serves 6.


          Recipe For Banana Cake

          Recipe For Banana cake

          Recipe For Banana Cake

          Banana cake that was the name of Indonesian traditional cake this one. This cake like Nagasari Cake. This cake is very pretty and has a fairly ethnically with banana leaf wrapping.

          Banana Cake Recipe Ingredients :

          - 8-10 kepok old bananas, or
          - 2 banana horns, broiled until cooked
          - 1 pack of flour hunkwe (approximately 125 g)
          - 200 grams of sugar
          - 1/4 teaspoon vanilla
          - 1/4 teaspoon salt
          - 1250 ml of coconut milk 1 1/2 coconut
          - banana leaves for wrapping

          How to Make Banana Cake :

          1. Peel the bananas, cut menyerong approximately 1 cm.
          2. haw hunkwe with some coconut flour, set aside.
          3. Boil remaining coconut milk, sugar, salt, and vanilla. Enter the flour mixture, stirring until thick and mature.
          4. Take a piece of banana leaf, give 1 tablespoon flour mixture while hot, rested 1 slice of banana, cover with 1 tablespoon batter.
          5. Roll up the leaves and fold both ends to the middle so that the cake measuring approximately 4 x 7 cm.
          6. Let cool and harden.
          7. Trim the leaves before serving.

          Tips For Banana Cake :

          Banana leaf can be replaced with a thick plastic.


          Recipe For Chocolate Sponge Cake

          Chocolate Sponge Cake Recipe

          Recipe For Chocolate Sponge Cake

          Ingredients :

          - 8 egg yolks
          - 6 egg whites
          - 175 g sugar
          - 125 g of wheat flour
          - 15 g cornstarch
          - 15 g cocoa powder
          - 1/2 tsp baking powder
          - 100 g margarine, melted

          How to make Chocolate Sponge Cake :

          1. Mix flour, cornstarch, cocoa powder, and baking powder. Stir well, sieve and set aside.
          2. Beat the egg yolks, egg whites, and sugar until white and fluffy.
          3. Enter the flour mixture gradually, stirring gently until blended.
          4. Pour melted margarine little by little, stirring gently until blended.
          5. Pour the batter into the baking pan or round baking pan diameter 22 cm 22 cm box that has been smeared with margarine and dialas baking paper.
          6. Bake for 35 minutes at a temperature of 160 degrees Celsius until cooked.
          7. Remove, remove, let cool.
          8. Cut into pieces and serve, or the cake can be shaped and decorated according to taste.


          Recipe For Chiffon Carrot Cake

          Recipe For Chiffon Carrot Cake

          Recipe For Chiffon Carrot Cake

          Beautiful colors of the chiffon cake was turned out of carrots and water. Chiffon soft carrots can be a healthy dish for kids snack.

          Ingredients For Chiffon Carrot Cake :

          Ingredients A:
          - 120 gm low protein flour
          - 25 grams of sugar
          - 50 ml of water carrots
          - 75 ml of water
          - 50 ml cooking oil
          - 4 egg yolks
          - 150 grams of carrots grated, squeezed

          Material B:
          - 4 egg whites
          - 1/4 teaspoon salt
          - 1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar
          - 75 grams sugar

          Processing Method Chiffon Carrot Cake :

          - Preheat oven to 190 degrees Celsius.
          - Sift the flour. Add the sugar. Stir well. Enter carrots water mixture, water, and oil. Stir slowly.
          - Add egg yolk. Stir until smooth. Add grated carrots. Stir well. Set aside.
          - Beat egg whites, salt and cream of tartar until half fluffy. Add the sugar. Beat until fluffy.
          - Pour the egg whites into the material a bit by bit while stirring slowly.
          - Pour into pan tulban small.
          - Oven 30 minutes with a temperature of 190 degrees Celsius. Remove the cake when it's really cold.

          For 28 pieces


          Recipe For Rainbow Cupcake

          Recipe For Rainbow Cupcake is different with cupcake recipes like in general because we have to require some type of food coloring. How to make rainbow cupcakes as usual but we have to process the dough with different colors. It's quite complicated but the results can be felt alone when it's finished. Where the rainbow cupcake has a beautiful color unappetizing. Ranging from children - children and adults at home are guaranteed to see and feel the sensation of this colorful cake. First introduced Rainbow Cake recipe directly worldwide, even in Indonesia itself made ​​in 2012 as a year of full-color rainbow.

          Rainbow Cup Cake

          It's a rainbow cupcake recipe from materials - materials that are easy to market. The manufacturing process can also read the following review.

          Rainbow Cupcake recipes

          Intro: Cupcake recipe is perfect served to increase appetite baby. Made lunch to school was also not shy - maluin could even be the envy of her classmates. Therefore, the color is gorgeous and it tastes good and gentle could make anyone who eats processed craving for a taste of cupcake recipes.

          Cupcake Recipe Ingredients :

          - Wheat flour 2.5 cup servings
          - Baking powder 2 tsp
          - Baking soda 1/2 tsp
          - Salt 1/2 tsp
          - Milk 1/2 cup servings
          - Vegetable oil 1/2 cup
          - 1 teaspoon vanilla
          - Butter 1/2 cup
          - 1 cup white sugar
          - Eggs 3 eggs
          - Food coloring, red, blue, green and yellow

          How to make rainbow cupcakes :

          1. Prepare or preheat the oven at 175 degrees. Prepare 12 paper cake cup-shaped line. Stir together flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt in a large bowl or container to make the dough. Then whisk milk, vegetable oil, vanilla separately in another container until evenly and set aside.
          2. Prepare an electric mixer, put butter and sugar and beat using a mixer in a large container until smooth and fluffy. Add eggs one at a time while shaken in order to blend with the butter before adding another egg. Pour the flour mixture alternately with milk mixture.
          3. For the cake batter into four different containers. Then insert a few drops of food coloring into the bowl containing the mixture and stir until blended. If necessary add a dye to color rely more interesting to the desired fit. Each-each container was having different colors namely red, green, blue, and yellow.
          4. When entering the batter into the cupcake papers use a different spoon so the color is not broken. Enter the batter alternately on a cupcake paper. The thickness of the batter each - each color can adjust itself according to your taste. Bake in oven approximately sampa mature for 15 - 20 minutes until soft and tender.

          Rating: 4.5


          Recipe Strawberry Cake Cut

          Recipe Strawberry Cake Cut

          Recipe For Strawberry Cake Cut

          Materials I :

          • 75 grams of margarine
          • 50 grams of powdered sugar
          • 1 egg yolk
          • 125 grams of cake flour
          • 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon powder

          Materials II :

          • 500 ml milk
          • 3 tablespoons cornstarch.
          • 60 grams of sugar
          • 2 egg yolks
          • 2 tablespoons margarine

          Topping ingredients:
          • 375 grams of strawberries, sliced
          • 2 tablespoons strawberry jam
          • 1 tablespoon water

          How To Make Strawberry Cake Cut :

          1. Beat margarine and powdered sugar 20 seconds. Add egg yolk. Beat well.
          2. Enter the flour and cinnamon powder samba sifted and mix evenly. Gumpalkan. Let stand in refrigerator 15 minutes.
          3. Flatten the bottom ring diameter of 20 cm were smeared with margarine and dialas baking paper.
          4. Prick-puncture. Oven 20 minutes with a temperature of 170 degrees Celsius until cooked.
          5. Materials II: boiled milk, cornstarch, and sugar, stirring until bubbling. Take a little dough. Pour the egg yolk. Stir well.
          Boil again until bubbling. Enter the margarine. Stir well.
          6. Rub the top of the base. Tata strawberries. Dissolve strawberry jam with water. Heat briefly
          viscous origin. Rub over the strawberries. Chill. Cut into pieces.

          For 8 pieces

          Rating: 4.5